Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

Sonar Integration with Jenkins

Stay tuned for more information !!!!!

LDAP integration with Jenkins

If you want to integrate LDAP plugin with Jenkins and make your jenkins application LDAP secure,
You can follow below steps to configure LDAP with Jenkins :

1) Go To Manage Jenkins >> Configure System
2) Configure LDAP related stuff as show below

Build Maven project with Jenkins

Hi Everyone,

Here are the steps to configure maven based project in Jenkins.
Hope this will be useful to make build automation with maven based project

1) Install Jenkins in local machine as per the steps given in last blog post.

2) Go to Manage Jenkins>> Configure System
3) Set Maven path as show in below screenshot

Setup Jenkins in local machine

Steps to install jenkins in local machine

  1. Install apache tomcat server
  2. Download latest jenkins war file from
  3. Deploy jenkins.war file in tomcat webapps folder
  4. Once jenkins.war deployed successfully, start the tomcat server
  5. Open http://localhost:8080/jenkins in browser once server starts properly
  6. Now configure JDK and ANT which can be used to build the project.
    For that you have to click on manage Jenkins >> Configure System

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